Open a CleenUp mobile
car detailing business!

Werde CleenUp Partner!

Start your own business!

These days we have everything delivered to our homes, including car washing. At CleenUp, we recognized this market need and developed our own app-based mobile car cleaning technology for it. Join CleenUp's success story and start your business with us!

Apply to become a franchise partner!
Ordered with the CleenUp corporate car cleaning application

Why choose CleenUp?

Quick start

Launch possible within a few weeks, low start-up cost, fast return on investment.

International experience

We have international industry experience. German brand and quality.

Business opportunities

You'll have access to CleenUp's business partners.

Flexible work

The service doesn't require special permits, cleaning can be done anywhere.

Launch your business
with CleenUp easily!


Fill out the registration!


Our colleague will contact you, introduce you to the Franchise system and technology.


You'll participate in theoretical and practical training.


Get started with your business!

Warum soll ich Partner werden?

Good income

You can profit from a rapidly growing, innovative industry.

Proven system

You get a proven service system.


We support your sales and marketing activities.


Independence, freedom, your own schedule.

The CleenUp system is already proven.
Be a part of it!

We're continuously expanding, build your profitable business with us too!